Oct 16, 2011

Walk the Walk

We have all heard the phrase "If you're gonna talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk."  It is my belief that we should not be "talking the talk" aloud unless asked or given the opportunity.  A lot of talk usually equals a lot of ego, and ego is never constructive or helpful - it is merely a selfish act used to promote ourselves.

If we are going to say that we are one thing, we better be that, yes?  Why say it though?  What is the purpose of stating what we are going to do, if we could just do it without the unnecessary talk.  This is the same thing as raising our hand during a lecture and, upon being called on, saying, "I have a question," and then stating your question.  This just wastes time and energy while promoting frustration and annoyance to those that are listening.

It is my belief that everything we say and do should serve a purpose to benefit ourselves (not our egos) or somebody else.  Think of all the things we say to promote our own importance: say that we know "so and so," brag about our grades, talk about our possessions.  Get rid of the extra, trim down the edges.  I promise that it will make the people around you happier and will give you more time and more energy.  To do this, we will need to be incredibly conscientious of the words that are coming out of our mouths.  If and when the words do slip and our egos come out to play, we better be sure that we follow through with our own words and promises.

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